
5 Acquired Skills That Can Keep You Ahead in Job Hunting

When it comes to the employment market, competition these days is very stiff. Even if you have been to university and have impressive qualifications, you may still be up against many others who are at the same level as you. If you are looking for a new and exciting career, there are a number of skills that can put you a step ahead of the competition. In this article, I will look at the most important skills in today’s job market.

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No matter how suited you think you are to a particular job, you need to remember that there will be many others who feel exactly the same. The one thing that you can do is to find ways of making yourself stand out. By having the right skills and qualities, you can boost the chances of getting the job over your competitors.

Important skills that you need to work on to boost your career prospects

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There are a number of key skills that employers tend to look for in potential employees. By developing these skills, you can really boost your chances of career success. If you apply for a position you really want and you are neck and neck with another candidate in terms of suitability, you only have a 50 percent chance of success. However, if you have skills that the other candidate does not, your chances are increased significantly.

Some of the key skills that could help to put you head and shoulder above the competition include:

  • The ability to communicate using a variety of methods:
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    Communication is key to any business no matter what the size or industry. Employers, therefore, want people that are confident when it comes to communicating via a range of different methods. If you can communicate confidently via phone, in person, using social media, and in writing, you will prove far more valuable to an employer compared to someone who does not feel comfortable talking to people face to face or on the phone.

  • Being able to speak other languages:
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    The multicultural society that we live in today means that businesses have to deal with customers from a range of ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Language barriers can have a big negative impact on businesses when it comes to communicating with customers that do not speak English as a first language. By having multilingual employees, this is a barrier that the employer can overcome. Therefore, having the ability and skills to converse in other languages can prove invaluable.

  • Business acumen:
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    Showing that you know about how a business or industry works and what needs to be done in order to achieve goals can go a long way. The stiff competition in the world of business means that employers are crying out for employees with commercial awareness. Brushing up on your business acumen and skills can, therefore, give you the edge over your competitors when applying for a job.

  • Knowledge of modern marketing:
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    Marketing has changed radically over recent years, largely due to our move into the digital era. It is vital for businesses to move with the times when it comes to marketing. For some, this means bringing in fresh blood with a penchant for technology and modern marketing strategies. If you can demonstrate skills and knowledge when it comes to areas such as social media marketing, email marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing), you could find yourself being snapped up by the company.

  • Experience in customer service:
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    Customers are the backbone of any business, and as such business leaders want to make sure they keep their customers happy. Potential employees that have strong customer service skills and experience can help them to achieve high satisfaction rates amongst their customers and clients. Therefore, demonstrating confidence and professionalism in a customer service environment could secure you that position. This includes providing customer service in person, by phone, on various social media platforms, and in writing.

Create a solid resume

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Of course, you could be experienced in all of these areas but you need to find a way of putting that across to a potential employer. This means creating a solid and comprehensive resume that makes it easy for the employer to see the value of your skills, knowledge, and experience.

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Remember, your resume is the first thing that a potential employer will see. If it does not properly do your skills and knowledge justice then you might not even get as far as being shortlisted for an interview.

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You can get plenty of tips online about creating a good resume to impress potential employers. If you are not confident, you can even find professional service providers that can create the resume for you. By making sure your resume provides details of valuable skills such as these, you can increase your chances of being interviewed and securing the job.

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