The past year has seen a trend occur in the gaming industry, that’s a welcomed sight for many retro gaming fans and nostalgia chasers.
Over the past year alone we’ve had the re-release of many classics such as SNES, NES and the mini-Commodore 64 next month, as well as the remaster of cult classics like Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, and the The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. We’re practically swimming in remasters and reboots.
With the games industry at the most technology advanced it has ever been, and innovating faster than ever before with developments in virtual reality it’s an exciting time for the billion-pound industry.
But, it’s easy to forget just how far gaming has come in a relatively short space of time.
Games retailer, Fanatical has created the following infographic that runs through the successes (and failures) of the past five decades of gaming.

Provided by Fanatical