Gathering references who can testify to your skills and qualifications to do a job is one of the most important job-hunting tasks. Your citations can help you make a compelling case for why you’re the most eligible candidate for the job. Still, a lacklustre recommendation can knock you off an employer’s list of applicants.
A strong recommendation from a reliable source can persuade an employer that you have the required skills and experience for the job.
Review the following tips on how to ask for a reference, which of your well-wishers to use based on the role you’re applying for, and how to ensure that your references provide a strong recommendation.
What is the purpose of a resume reference?

Employers use references to confirm your qualifications and fact-check your interview. Learning about things like culture fit and how you interact with others on the team is also critical. With so many resumes flooding hiring managers’ inboxes these days, you may be saving them time, but employers still view the reference check as a crucial part of the hiring process.
How Many References Should I Have?
Obtain a list of more references than you believe you will require for one job. Employers occasionally ask for more than three references, but having a broader pool allows you to strategically choose among them based on the different requirements of each job.
For most applications, three or four references are sufficient. Five to seven references are sufficient for high-level
positions. Lastly, it depends on you on how many references one should I have. Thus, having more references than you need is preferable to searching for more if an employer requests them.
Remember that it is acceptable to list a current employer as a reference, but you should confirm with the recruiter when they will conduct reference checks. You want your current employer to obtain a reference check only if they know you are interviewing for other positions.
4 tips to avoid when referencing your resume

1. Not obtaining permission
Although it may seem like a simple process, you’d be astonished at how many job applicants neglect to ask for references.
Simply put, a lot of people don’t inquire. They simply think that the other person is delighted to help. Therefore, you should get in touch with references before giving a potential employer their contact information. It’s just good manners.
2. Not arranging your references
The majority of recruiting managers will notify you in advance if they intend to call your references. Therefore, if at all possible, you should let your references know who will be contacting them and provide them with a current copy of your CV.
Pro tip: Give your references a copy of the job description so they can get a clear idea of the position you’re applying for.
3. Using the right person as a reference
You can’t use your friends and family as references, despite the fact that your mom and best friend undoubtedly think highly of you. After all, you’re looking for people who can speak highly of your work ethic and career skills in addition to your personality.
You want someone who either worked for you, alongside you or for whom you worked. You should try to get all three for your reference list. That would provide a potential employer with an excellent idea of how you are as a boss, a direct report, and a team member.
4. Presuming your reference will give you a recommendation
Even though you believe you were a fantastic employee, your former manager might not agree.
Numerous job candidates have been horrified by the information a previous boss has shared about them. If a potential employer finds a bad reference, you might never hear from the business again.
Ask your references what they will say about you in advance if you are even the slightest bit unclear about where you stand. Take them off your list of references and go on to the next person if they have no intention of flattering you.
Questions and Answers (FAQs)
Q: Are employers required to provide references for previous employees?
Answer: No federal laws govern what a recruiter can (or cannot) say about an employee, and there is no requirement for former employees to provide references. Some companies refuse to provide references, while others only provide limited data, such as dates of employment or pay.
Q: What does a company have to say about a previous employee?
Answer: Some states have laws that limit what an employer can reveal about a former employee, but many allow companies to release details about your job responsibilities, quality of work, the reason you were fired, or other aspects of your employment.
Important Takeaways
When applying for a job, you can use a variety of references, including educational, employment, private, and professional references. The references you pick should be able to speak to your qualifications, skills, abilities, qualifications, and other assets.