Personalizing your home decor is a wonderful way of showing off your personality and making your home something all your own. Copying decor ideas from Pinterest and magazines is fine, and it might look good, but you’ll always prefer a decor that means something to you and represents your personality over something you’ve lifted from somewhere else. If you want to start personalizing your decor, read on for 13 super cool ways to do it:
1. Create A Gallery Wall Full Of Pictures You Love

Start by creating a gallery wall full of pictures that you love. Don’t just pick pictures that you think will suit a certain aesthetic that you’ve seen on instagram – make sure you love something about each one of them, and you will never tire of looking at your gallery wall. The great thing about a gallery wall is that you can create it based on your own tastes and vision for your home. Many people like to create their gallery wall with different sized pictures, frames, and they like to get creative with placement. Some people like everything to be the same size, exactly the same width apart, and go for a more uniformed look in general. You can personalize this any way you see fit.
If you don’t want lots of pictures in your home, that’s fine, but don’t neglect to include artwork altogether. A big, statement piece of artwork can have a great effect on your overall decor and really bring a room together. It especially looks great placed above a sofa or a bed. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on something like this, either. You might be able to find something in a charity store, or you might even be able to commission something amazing from a local artist. Make something yourself if you’re crafty! Pour paintings are very popular, and pretty much anybody can do them with a little practice.
2. Have A Statement Wall
A statement wall could be a wall in the kitchen with an interesting tile, like your backsplash. It could also be a wall in the bathroom contrasting the rest of the walls. You can include statement walls pretty much anywhere you like, and all you need is a contrasting paint or paper. This might look a little overdone if you attempt it in every room of your home, so just pick a couple where you think it’ll look especially good and stick to that.
3. Show Off Your Hobbies
Don’t be afraid to show off your hobbies in your home, even if they are not as traditional as hobbies you may see in other homes. Show off your paintings, clay creations, or if your bike means a lot to you, show that off by mounting it on your wall! Get creative and figure out how you can show off what truly matters to you.
4. Display Photos of Your Loved Ones and Treasured Memories
You’ll find many modern day homes are void of pictures of their loved ones and memories they have made with them. However, this can make your home look empty and lifeless. If you want to personalize your home, pick some of your favorite pictures and dot them around on shelves and tables. Of course, creating a sense of balance is important here. Putting too many pictures on various shelves in one room will likely make it look cluttered and overdone, so pick carefully and think about placement properly.

5. Find Unusual Ways To Personalize Outside
Personalizing the outside of your home is just as important as personalizing the inside of your home. You can even use things like Amercast cast iron manhole covers to get a unique look that will help to set your home apart. Consider things like outdoor artwork, wind chimes, figurines, water features, furniture, and so on. You can have so much fun with how the outside of your home looks, so don’t neglect it.
6. Choose A Theme

If you like, you could choose a theme for your decor. It’s probably best you don’t do this for the whole house, but if you pick a room, you could have a lot of fun. For instance, your spare room could have a butterfly theme, or you could have a western theme in your lounge area. Having a theme in every room will make your home look more like an amusement park than a home, so pick something you really like and keep it to one room.
7. Pick Interesting Furniture
There are some amazing furniture pieces that can give your home that extra something special. For instance, egg chairs are an extremely popular choice and can give an abstract look to any home, as can hammocks, bean bags, and corner sofas. Consider the sort of lines you will be adding to the room and how you will use them to create a sense of balance and harmony. Using harsh lines in a room will give a very different vibe to furniture with soft lines and curves. Consider this as you make your choice, but remember that comfort should always come first. Comfort first, aesthetics second, or you’ll regret your choices as your home will be impractical! Make sure you don’t just push your furniture against the wall either, as this gives a cramped feel.
8. Paint Your Front Door

Painting your front door a bright or unusual color can let people know what they are getting into before they step foot inside of your home. Why not paint it bright blue or pink? Consider the moods of colors and how you want people to perceive the outside of your home before they come inside. Orange, for example, is a happy, confidence color, while green gives natural vibes.
9. Buy Your Favorite Flowers

Treat yourself to your favorite flowers and display them on your table or somewhere everyone will see them. They will bring color and life to your home. Don’t forget your plants, either. If you’re big into plants and flowers, you could look into subscription boxes and have them delivered every month. This will save you the hassle of having to remember to go out and get them.
10. Swap Out Your Hardware
Swapping out your hardware is so easy, and it’s great because it can give your home a unique and different look in a matter of moments. Swap your drawer pulls, light fittings, and anything else that will give a different vibe to your home. Swapping silver for brass, for example, could give a more vintage feel. There are some really interesting options you can go for!
11. Leave A Message On A Chalkboard Wall

A chalkboard wall in the kitchen can be so much fun. This will be a great novelty to kids, and it can ensure they avoid drawing on the wall and draw on the chalkboard instead. You can write inspirational notes for the day on here, as well as to-do lists for everybody, and even meal plans for the week.
12. Show Off Your DIY Skills

There are so many DIY tutorials online, why not try something out for yourself? You could make shelves and cabinets out of old crates, paint old items, repurpose old furniture, and pretty much find a use for anything you no longer like or use. This will help to save you some money, and it’ll give your home a deeply personal feel as you will have created much of the decor yourself. Maybe you could even paint a mural on one of the walls inside your home if you’re feeling particularly arty. There are stencils and spray paints that can make this much easier if you need them.
13. Make Use Of Unusual Spaces

Most homes have an unusual space that the owners don’t know what to do with. All hope is not lost for odd shaped spaces, and you can actually get super creative with them and create something usable if you’re smart. The goal is to turn it into something you can actually use – don’t try to hide it with a big piece of furniture. Make the most of an alcove by turning it into a reading nook or craft corner, for example. Think about the things that you like to do in your spare time, or how you like to relax, and figure out if there’s any way that the space could be used for that.
Personalizing your home decor takes some time, but if you want to make your home yours and not just a copy of the homes you see on Instagram, you should take the time and pay attention to the advice here. No matter how long it takes, if you really put in the effort to make your home functional, beautiful, and personal to you, you will love it for years to come. A home isn’t just somewhere to lay your head at night. It should be somewhere you feel safe, relaxed, inspired, and connected to those you love. Make it yours and have fun with it. Leave your thoughts and ideas below!