Looking to hire globally cost-efficient a developer for your new project? You have plenty of websites to choose from where you can get connected with the best freelance talent around the world. Certainly, you can find a freelancer developer who will do a fantastic job; but finding the right person can be challenging.
Hiring freelancers for your organization’s projects can have its disadvantages. If you haven’t considered them before, here are some of the most common issues with using freelancers.
1. Quality

It can be really tough to know if the freelancer developer you’re hiring will do a great job. Although some sites do allow previous customers to give reviews, it can be hard to know whether they’re genuine. You can always ask for contact with prior clients, but of course those will be picked by the freelancer and they’re unlikely to put you in touch with people they’ve let down.
2. Multiple clients – not focused on your project

Freelancers usually take on more than one project at a time, to keep their business viable.
What this means for you is that you won’t be their top priority. They’ll likely be juggling multiple projects. Even if they’re not they will have to spend a portion of their time looking for the next gig. Freelancers are more than just developers, they’re also business people and we all know that running your own business takes time.
3. Not Following your processes

Freelancing is all about that first syllable – free. Free to choose when, where, how, and who you work for.
And that can be great, but it can also go to a freelancer’s head. You find mavericks in freelance positions. People who are great at nodding and smiling and telling you they’re on-board with your way of doing things; then you spot them parasailing from the rear of the boat.
While ‘out of the box thinking can be a real advantage, lone wolf developers can be a nightmare to manage. If you’re running a team project? You need a team player.
4. Not Invested in Your project

Where’s the benefit to the freelancer in getting a project finished? They find their contract is suddenly over and they need to replace you as a client. They don’t have the same investment as a full-time employee in the long-term success of the project or the company. In some freelancers, this can show when you really need the most effort put in – as deadlines approach.
There is a solution : Hire Remote Developers
A viable and cost-efficient alternative solution can be hiring remote full-time developers. Hiring a remote employee from IT staffing agencies can have multiple benefits such as:
Access to the best global talent

Employing a full-time remote developer gives you the benefit of the global talent pool. But because you’re looking at an employee, not a freelancer, it’s a lot easier to check their career history. Freelancers might be able to brush a bad job under the carpet, but holes in a permanent employee’s CV are easier to spot.
Choosing remote full-time employees for your company gives you access to some great talent. You don’t just cast your net around the world you also attract people who work remotely for a variety of reasons. It’s great for diversity.
True Dedication

Remote employees get just as invested in the success of a project as your on-site teams. They’re not thinking about the next gig, they just want to keep working at this one. Remote team management doesn’t take any special skills, it’s only the way you stay in touch that’s different.
Freelance sites are generally automated. You don’t get a real person helping to understand your requirements and matching you with the right person. But if you choose to hire your developer remotely and use a specialist recruitment agency, you would get an easy and cost-efficient solution.