The most notable emotion people experience after getting a job offer is excitement. After weeks, months, and sometimes, even years of job searching, you finally clinch what looks like an ideal role for you. Considering that 65% of workers have been job searching since 2021, this can be good news. However, in all the excitement, you need to take a breather and start to put things in place before showing up on your first day. Here are some pointers you may want to consider.
1. Acknowledge and show excitement to the new employer

Every prospective employer who gives a job offer looks forward to receiving a response from the successful applicant. How you respond to the news, whether by phone, email, or in-person, can reveal a lot about your nature. At this point, a potential professional relationship with the new employer can also be formed. You can call it the foundation of a future working relationship.
By showing excitement, your new employer sees an enthusiasm to work in their establishment. Again, it shows your commitment to bringing value to your new workplace. Your acknowledgment can be a thank you email or a call to HR.
2. Evaluate the job offer

After all the excitement, it is important to take a step back to review the job offer. First of all, before accepting the role, it helps to understand the details spelled out in the letter. It would be best if you had enough thinking time to be sure this new job can add value to your professional life. While at it, you may want to avoid a job offer that demands an immediate decision. It is worth noting that most job offers will give you three to five working days to either accept or refuse the offer. Regardless of your final decision, remember to acknowledge and show interest.
Furthermore, during the job offer review process, remember to check the salary, benefits, pension contribution, and other essential emoluments. If you are unhappy with the package, you have the right to negotiate a counter offer. Remember to treat this process with the utmost professionalism and respect for the employer. In negotiating, however, remember to avoid being inconsiderate and demanding.
Apart from the financial benefits, it is also critical to be abreast with current labor laws in your state. Perhaps, it will be a good time to get yourself some State labor law compliance posters. This way, you can always have a reference point to educate yourself on employer & employee work relationships.
3. Avoid any update of your job status online

In this day of social media, many people love to update every life progress on their online platforms. As tempting as it may be to put up your new job on a professional networking site, career experts say it pays to wait for about three months before doing so. The idea for this is to settle into the new job role and environment. Remember that every new job or role may come with challenges, and the last thing you want to do is update your job status online, only to resign within a couple of months. Your delay in updating your job status online helps you ascertain whether the job is the right one for you.