Are you trying to discover how to start a subscription box business? If yes, you should check out our guide by clicking right here.
Around the world, there are about 7,000 different subscription box companies.
If you have a great idea that will make you stand out from all the thousands of companies, start working today to get your product out there to people!
It can be difficult figuring out how to start a subscription box business, but we’ll break down everything you need to know if you keep reading.
Come Up With an Idea and a Niche

If you don’t have a solid idea yet, you’ll need to pick a general category and then go from there. Start thinking broadly: like clothes, makeup, self-care, pets, food, or other items.
Once you’ve decided on a broad category, you’ll have to narrow it down to find your specific niche. This is where you’ll want to get really specialized because then it’s easier to make yourself stand out from all the other companies. Your audience will also want to know exactly what they’re signing up for, so having a specific idea can help you attract those customers.
Research Your Competition

Once you’ve solidified your idea, you can start doing your research. With so many companies out there, it shouldn’t be too hard to find some that are similar to your idea.
For example, if you’ve decided you want to do something with food, you’ll find that you have a lot of competition. As soon as you narrow it down, you’ll start to cut out some of your competition as well.
By doing research you may even find that there is a niche that doesn’t have any subscription box. You can gain a lot of customers by filling that void.
You’ll also want to do a lot of research to make sure that you aren’t overpricing your box. Also, think about how you can make your box special and stand out from the rest of the subscription boxes.
Figure Out a Target Audience

After doing research, try doing some research on who your target audience will be. You might have got an idea about who they are based on some research done on your competitors.
Try and create a list of questions that you can answer about your customers. Get as specific as possible, with questions like:
- How old are they?
- What gender are they?
- How old are they?
- What salary range are they in?
- What social media platform do they use the most?
- What are some of their hobbies?
- Are they single or married?
Once you have answers to some of these questions, you can start building your box, pricing it, and then advertising it.
Make a Website

While having a social media presence is important, having a website is also necessary.
When you design a website (or hire someone to do it), you’ll want to make it easy to use for both computers and mobile devices.
Explain what your box is, a little about you, all the prices, and a contact link. You may even want to offer the chance to sign up for an email newsletter. Once you get your website running for a little while, you may even want to post SEO-oriented blog articles to direct traffic to your website.
Create a Sample Box
Now that you have a website and some idea of where you’re going, it’s time to create a sample of your box.
This is the best way to figure out what items you want to include, how it will look, what size box to use, and how to package it.
Once you figure out all of this, you’ll be able to determine how much it will cost to ship each box. A little bit of weight can make a big difference in prices, so it’s important to know all of this before you set a firm price for your box.
Market Your Box

Once you’ve created a sample box, you should take some pictures of it.
Now you can start marketing your box. Marketing on social media is always a great start. For example, on Facebook, you can either pay to run ads or create a page dedicated to your business. Getting people on social media excited about your box will encourage them to spread the word about it.
Don’t just market on one social media platform. Not everyone is on just one, so in order to get more people buying your box, market on as many social media platforms as you have time for. Some of the popular ones include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Before you officially launch your box, you can also reach out to some YouTube influencers. Ask them if they will do a review and an unboxing of your subscription box. You can offer to send it to them for free as an incentive.
Set up a Payment System
Before your launch, make sure that you have a good subscription billing software in place.
This might not seem as exciting as the other steps, but you need a way to get paid for all your hard work. Some software programs will charge you a fee, but it’s a great way to keep all your payments organized and grow your business in the future.
Take Orders and Start Shipping Boxes!

Once you’ve done all this, now it’s time to start receiving orders and shipping out your product!
Tell customers when they should expect their box, have shipment emails ready to go, and keep creating hype about your box.
Learn More About How to Start a Subscription Box Business
These are only a few tips on how to start a subscription box business, but starting any business can be difficult and tricky.
Learning how to use a bunch of new software programs, market your business, and creating a website can be exhausting, but it doesn’t have to be.
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