Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Tech

The iPhone 6 Plus: The Next Greatest Gaming Powerhouse?

With the release of the iPhone 6 Plus late last year Apple had taken another small step towards becoming the leading manufacturer of a must have handheld gaming device, rivaling even some of the best laptops from last year. Whilst there were many features of the smartphone that had been improved, both within appearance and functionality, from its predecessor it was obvious that one of the main aspects of enhancement was to really to appeal to gamers.

Apple Upped It’s Game

8 games optimized for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus both came complete with the latest software offering from Apple boasting their latest A8 chip built on second-generation 64-bit desktop-class architecture. Both handsets came with the upgraded iOS 8 but even more importantly from a gaming perspective is the inclusion of their new Apple technology Metal. This great new API allows developers the chance to be able to create console quality games for the smartphone opening it up to all sorts of exciting future developments. Metal is optimized to allow the CPU and GPU to work together to deliver detailed graphics and complex visual effects. So every imaginary world you visit will feel much more realistic.

Metal was developed for the A7 chip and is fully compatible with the new A8 chip, with 64-bit architecture, which of course the new iPhone 6 Plus lovingly sports. It also includes an M8 motion coprocessor. All this enhanced technology manages to help the devices render graphics up to 10 times faster than its predecessor. Which all goes a long way in helping to make mobile gaming, with action-packed games such as racing and arcade games all the more thrilling. Not to mention the iPhone 6 plus sports a full 1080p HD display, and still manages to squeak by on Up to 14 hours of battery life on HD video!

All Around Improvements

The Best Games for your new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

So aside from the vast improvement in graphics, that now requires the use of even less power from your smartphone and more importantly less strain on your precious battery life, what else helps the iPhone 6 Plus to becoming one of the next great gaming powerhouses? The Plus as we all know comes with a larger screen hence why it’s a plus model. But thankfully this doesn’t hinder the look and feel of the games you play. You get more on the screen and thanks to the general upscaling you can still get a high quality view of all your favourite games. The vibrancy of colour is also apparent on the new screens.

Now that the iPhone 6 Plus is on the market the development of new games themselves will be strong in the app store. Games specially optimized for the device will become more and more common as game developers fully utilize the powerful opportunities that the new plus-sized smartphone has to offer. The hardware and platform improvements’ that developers can now work with was a brilliant decision by Apple and just adds to the overall quality of this latest modern technological contribution. Happy gaming apple fans!

The iPhone 6 Plus Is Great For Gamers

What is YOUR favorite game on the iPhone? (Android users you can pipe in here too! We love you all equally) Thanks for reading!

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