In the modern day, technology is interwoven in everything that we do. For the generations that grew up alongside the development of our modern technology, most of this knowledge comes
Path of Exile on Xbox – A Successful Port
Path of Exile (“PoE”) has been around for about four and a half years now. Despite its age, it still remains a very interesting and captivating free to play online
Make Choices for the Better
Many of us struggle with choices we make in the dark. While not often discussed, the grim or painful things we deal with are a part of our everyday lives.
Making The Shift Run Smoother
Shifts can sometimes be a little chaotic, especially at this time of year. There’s so many customers coming in and out on a daily basis that it can be hard
5 Reasons Why Parents Should Share Their Gaming Passion With Their Kids
“I don’t like you playing those games!” Said our parents. “They’ll turn you into an antisocial hunchback with no social skills!”. They were wrong, of course, but despite our best
Guess What? It Pays To Be A Geek!
To discover the fact behind this statement, we first need to define the word, geek. A geek, apparently, based on the official definition is someone who engages in tasks thoroughly,
5 Ways to Sharpen the Saw
In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey culminates his list with a technique he calls “Sharpening the Saw.” The chapter starts with an anecdote of
Make Your Fantasy Football League More Fun
Fantasy football is all about having fun. Sure, we may take it seriously, but “fantasy” is right there in the name. Drafting the perfect team and making the right trades