Business, Code, Tech

The Benefits of Using VDR Solutions for Your Business

To share documents in a safe environment, use a data room. It reduces the chance that information will be seen by anybody else while allowing the disclosure of information to


Apps, Health, Tech

Technology, and Its Impact on Medical Negligence

Medical technology is improving all the time, and in so doing improving standards of patient care as well as administrative efficiency. But against a backdrop of persistent NHS underfunding –


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

What Information Is Included in Police Records?

When a crime is committed, the police are called to the scene to investigate. They interview witnesses, collect evidence, and take statements. This information is then entered into a police


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

iOS 16 Provides Apple With A Chance To Consolidate 12 Months Of Upheaval

Apple has hit the news several times over the past twelve months. Of most note has been their changes to privacy and data gathering, something promoted as a positive that


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

5 Ways To Protect Your Personal Information

In this ever-connected world, it can be difficult to maintain a modicum of privacy online. It is, however, imperative that you do so in order to protect your personally identifiable


Entertainment, Lifehacks, Tech

What Is IP Address Location And How To Know If Your VPN Is Securely Connected?

The IP address is a unique number assigned to each device connected to the Internet. When you visit a website, the site’s server can use your IP address to determine


Apps, Lifehacks, Tech

Do You Need Antivirus Software if You Have a VPN?

There’s no doubt that public concern about online privacy and security continues to rise, with high-profile data breaches becoming increasingly commonplace across the globe. This is borne out by the


Education, Geek, Tech

Stanford Crypto Researchers Are Working On A Privacy-Focused Blockchain, Espresso

If the crypto community wants more investors to purchase cryptocurrencies, something will have to be done to address the inefficiencies that are currently present in blockchain technologies. This makes sense