Gaming, Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

3 Geekiest Ways People are Earning Coin on the Web

How to Sell Your Pokemon Cards

The web is pretty neato when you think of it as a platform for earning coin. Not just in the general business sense, where you set up a store or


Geek, Tech

Audacity or Stupidity? 3 Bizarre ID Theft Cases

10 Bizarre Cases of Identity Theft

With all the attention on the dangers of identity theft, you’d think that it would be on the decline. According to Time, the Federal Trade Commission says that’s not the


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Samsung to Introduce 64 Bit Architecture

Samsung says its next-gen smartphones will have 64-bit processors too

Apple released their iPhone 5S last week and it came with some really surprising features that we didn’t see coming. And undoubtedly, the 64 bit architecture introduced in cellphones; iPhone


Gadgets, Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Groundbreaking Gadgets Entrepreneurs Can’t Live Without

Businesses both small and large succeed based on their means to cloud storage, their online transparency, the hardware at their disposal, and their general security, details Velocity Network. They record


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Tech Tools Every Web Designer Needs

It’s impossible to separate technology from web design. Technology is what allows you to create your designs – and what allows them to be seen. Technology helps with every step


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

How To Save Money With Free Software

More often than not, being a broke or a frugal geek feels rather unfulfilling. With fresh gadgets coming out virtually every day it can be really hard to stay on


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Best Apps for Fanatical TV Fans

In 2013, the average adult will spend 5 hours and 16 minutes watching digital media, and 4 hours and 31 minutes watching TV, according to eMarketer’s statistics. Since new apps



25K Designers Worldwide Are Creating Websites with Webydo, See Why

Being geeks that we are, it is in our nature to tinker with things. Combining our love for the web with design doesn’t always mean that it is the easisest