Engineering, Science, Tech

Automatic Solar Tracker with Actuators

Nowadays, our environment suffers a lot from our industry, trash, fuel, energy, etc. That is why many people try to find some solutions to save nature. One of them is


Lifehacks, Science

A Good Night’s Rest: Can Music Help You Fall Asleep?

If you’re one of the many people who suffer from chronic or even occasional insomnia, then you know that it’s no picnic. The human body craves sleep, and when you


Business, Science, Tech

Why Biometric Tech will Remain a True Growth Sector

There’s no doubt that the technology sector remains a rapidly evolving sector, and one that continues to grow at an exponential rate. This rule even applies to relatively niche sectors


Geek, Science, STEM

Putting Together A Chemistry Kit At Home

Science is what helps us understand what makes the world go round, and being able to understand and interpret it is an extremely sought after skill in the modern day


Geek, Science, STEM

Monoclonal Antibody Production and Purification Methods

Monoclonal antibodies are widely used in biochemistry and medicine. The implementation of more accurate purification methods and the development of better technology for protein analysis have improved the production of


Science, Tech

Rethinking the Battle on Plastic

If there is one thing history can prove, it is that trends come and go. Sometimes they come back for an encore, but most often they are propelled to attention


History, Science

Understanding Radiation

Radiation is a bit of an intimidating word. Most people still imagine mad scientists and evil villains harnessing its power for their own evil schemes, but there’s quite a bit


Health, Science

Physician Assistant (PA) Training – Creating a Successful PA School Application Essay

Physician Assistant is actually a fast-growing profession, and it is easy to see the reason why. PAs tend to be in terrific demand due to a nationwide shortage of primary