Lifehacks, Science, STEM

The Benefits of a Career in Science

If you’re looking for a career and you’re considering training in science, you might first want to understand the benefits of doing this and the reasons why science might be


Business, Science

Are Chemical-Free Cosmetics The Next Big Business Idea?

We see loads of different and innovative business ideas all the time. Right now, there certainly seems to be a trend towards things that are good for the environment. Eco-friendly


Education, Geek, Science

Save The Environment To Save Life

How saving the environment can help us save our lives Although for many people the key goal is to prevent nature from the harmful effects of humans` activities, with global


DIY, Geek, Science

You Know You Love Chemistry When You Watch Explosion Videos On Repeat

Chemistry – it’s a fun science. While physics is all about probing complicated math relationships and biology dissecting innocent animals, in chemistry, you get to blow stuff up. Sure, you


Health, Lifehacks, Science

CBD Nasal Spray: 5 Top Benefits of CBD Spray Products

The CBD oil industry has exponentially grown over the past ten years. To the point where the products available to consumers is vast and expansive.  The choice available is so


Business, Science, Tech

How Cognitive Tests Can Be of Help

When a company thinks of a new recruit, there are a lot of things to be considered. A certain job profile needs certain requirements and the organization has to select


Geek, Science, Tech

Is All Ink Eco-Friendly?

More industries are shifting their agendas to “greener” approaches that favor environmental sustainability, and this includes the printing industry. This by no means is a small business, with a global


Education, Geek, Science

The Psychology of Writing and the Cognitive Science of the Perfect Daily Routine

Writing is not a cup of tea for everyone. There are those who have excelled at it and those who still struggle to produce a coherent piece of writing. So,