Geek, Tech

Share Your Passion & Make Money in the Process – Tips to Monetize Your Blog

Everyone has a passion and if they tell you they don’t, well, you are either talking to the walking dead or they are just not telling the truth! No matter


Geek, Tech

Technological Breakthroughs Lead to Growth in VoIP Market

Businesses and even private subscribers are quickly moving to using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology as a more efficient replacement for traditional telephone services. Several major steps forward have made


DIY, Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Linear Actuators in Popular Robotics

Actuators are indispensable parts of most mechanized systems responsible for controlling and moving the various parts of a system, in this case a robotic system. It is operated using energy


Gadgets, Geek, Science, Tech

Is Technology Advancing Too Fast?

Rapidly advancing technology is a way of life today. It seems that as soon as a device comes out a new, more advanced model is already underway. The Internet –


DIY, Gadgets, Geek, Lifehacks, Reviews, Tech

The Latest Items for the High-Tech Home

For those who have an appreciation of the latest technology trends — from gadgets to gaming to computers — oftentimes, nothing less than cutting-edge will do. And with tech being


DIY, Gadgets, Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

11 Camping Gadgets for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

Oh my goodness – I love camping. I love the feeling of setting out for the great outdoors and making tracks for a nice spot in the middle of nowhere.


DIY, Geek, Tech

How to Build a Landing Page That Captivates and Converts.

How would you feel if you could increase the amount of visitors converting on your website? Whether you want to convert sign-ups, leads or sales, the web page that you


Geek, Tech

Synthetic Identity Theft: A Young Crime

Synthetic identity theft differs from other forms of identity fraud in one big way: instead of trying to assume a victim’s identity, criminals use the victim’s information to create a