I see you have managed to keep your Minecraft addiction at bay long enough to find yourself here. Well Done. Congratulations are in order! If you don’t play minecraft (what?!) you are probably wondering how in the heck this got so popular. Well, gather around children and lets hear a story (a brief story.) about how minecraft became the phenomenon that it is today! If you have played the game (which I assume most of you have) it is really easy to see why everyone is playing it (and is addicted lol). You can build really anything you want. Anything. The possibilities are endless! And that provides a feeling of accomplishment (like most games do, but Minecraft is different. Its special.). The proof is right here in this post – people have been spending days, weeks, months on these colossal in game marvels that are just stunning to look at. Some of the things people create are so huge and intricate that it takes up literally 50+GBs of space (per some of these structures) on servers all over the world. It is like being a kid with UNLIMITED LEGO blocks to play with (after you mined them, from plastic dinosaurs or …something…whatever it would take to make this analogy work lol). Starting to make more sense now? (Of course I am speaking to the non believers lol)
A Brief History of Minecraft
Minecraft is easily one of the most successful indie games in history – a true success story. The game has received numerous awards and as of January 22, 2013, the game has sold over 9 million copies on PC and over 20 million copies across all platforms! That is a lot of games sold. So this isn’t just some silly “block game” – this game of blocks has brought in over $100,000,000. Its success has spawned LEGO toys, conferences, and there is even a documentary on minecraft chronicling the Story of Mojang!
June 1st, 2009. Stockholm. Markus Persson quits his job at an established games developer to create his own game. Unemployed, but enthusiastic, Markus was looking for inspiration, and it came from indie game development blog, Tigsource. Thanks to the resource, the man you probably know as “Notch” ended up playing Zachtronic Industries’ Infiniminer: an innovative indie which tasked players with collecting resources while cutting into a randomly generated landscape. It was a simple game at heart, but Markus realised potential for something great. He began work on a new project a few weeks after Infiniminer was discontinued.
Though Markus’ original idea wasn’t as fully featured as the Minecraft you’ll play today, “Cave Game” was created from the same DNA. This was a game about placing and breaking blocks in a 3D world. The primary motivation was to create an experience where each individual component felt fun. A game that could be both accessible and emergent.
On December 20 2010 it was announced that Minecraft was officially in beta. Noteblocks were introduced, allowing players to create music in Minecraft, and sparking a whole new breed of Minecraft videos: the musical parody.
Soon after, the awards began to roll in. An Indie Game of the Year award from IndieDB and numerous accolades from GDC. In February 2011, beds got introduced. Minecraft’s central protagonist, Steve, named by Markus on a whim in an interview, got to enjoy a well-deserved snooze (even though he kept his clothes on and slept over the sheets).
On November 19th, 2011, Jens Bergensten, who you might know as Jeb, took over creative control so Markus could concentrate on new things.
Thanks to Minecraft’s success, Markus formed his own company in 2009. Mojang AB currently has two titles in development. Scrolls and Markus’ newest project, 0x10c, are both getting cooked up. Mojang AB is also publishing Oxeye Studio’s latest game, Cobalt.
So much inspiration for us gaming geeks. Almost as much as you will see filling up the page below you! Today we have rounded up some of the biggest, most creative, and greatest In-Game Minecraft Creations! We have screenshot after screenshot of just stunning architecture created by ordinary gamers like you and me! The time and effort that people have put into these fantastic structures is just mind blowing and amazing. No wonder there is so much minecraft merchandise available in stores these days, there are so many dedicated minecrafters – they want to build their rooms as well!
These builds cover everything from fictional places in science fiction, to video games, all the way to real life places – you will even be surprised to see some gaming throwbacks in there as well :D. The Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings creations are especially delicious also. Prepare to drool. I hope that you guys enjoy this collection of Minecraft Mastery!
Note: If this page loads a little slow, be patient, its got a metric-sh*t-ton of awesome minecraft creations! If you want more info on a specific project, just click on the image to find the source!
OMFG. Most. Epic Thing. EVER. King’s Landing From Game of Thrones! In Minecraft! ERMEGHERDDDD!! IMPOSSIBRU! They say it took around 100 builders a little over 4 months to build the whole thing. They estimate there are around 3000 unique buildings, all hand made and all fully decorated on the interior. Ridiculous…ly awesome. You think they would stop there, but they aren’t. In fact – they are building the Entire continent of Westeros (and you can watch them via that livemap link!)! Truly remarkable.
So Amazeballs. Having severe Game of Thrones withdraws right now lol. That was easily one of the best builds ever.
Castle Black! Oh how I wish it was a real place. I hear when the guards shifts ended they spend time at that New Ice Cream bar in the forest.
Dragon Pit!! Here there be dragons!
Game of Blocks : WesterosCraft and Game of Thrones: A Year of Ice and Fire in Minecraft
Game of Blocks : Game of Thrones – Dragonstone in Minecraft
Game of Blocks : Game of Thrones – Castle Black in Minecraft
Game of Blocks : Game of Thrones – The Eyrie in Minecraft
Game of Blocks : Game of Thrones – Pyke in Minecraft
Its FREAKIN’ Azeroth!! From World of Warcraft!!
Helm’s Deep from The Lord of the Rings!
Rivendell! (Also from LOTRs lol)
More Lord of The Rings Goodness! Edoras in Rohan! Love this.
This reproduction of Barad Dur’s (also known as… Sauron’s Tower!) in Lord of the Rings is beyond incredible. It only took about 1 million cubes. Only. lol.
Oh yes. The Mansion from Resident Evil. Remade in Minecraft. WIN!!! This is an aerial view of the entire thing.
So creepy…needs moar creepers lol
Speaking of zombies… This is Hershel’s MOTHER Freakin’ Farm!!! (from The Walking Dead)
Keeping the good gaming times rolling, check out this amazing Minecraft re-creation made by Reddit user “eohylanmay” of the iconic E1M1 level from the original Doom!
Awesome renders of a modern Minecraft city with skyscrapers!
BADASS. Minecraft Snow Fortress – The Spires of Lyceum
Incredible Egyptian Minecraft Pyramid. Really digging this one.
Hyrulecraft!! This is a 1:1 scale replica of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, in Minecraft! LOVE.
Hyrulecraft Alpha Release Trailer
Hyrule-lapse: Building Dampe’s Tomb
This is a pretty epic and creative idea for an interactive e-book! Basically this custom made “Gift” map immerses you in the story of the book while playing minecraft! Brilliant!
SWEET MOTHER OF GOD. Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Rings!! I don’t understand my emotions right now!
Mirrors Edge in Minecraft! Looks just as beautiful as the real thing in the actual game!
BSG Fans, prepare your pants for easy cleanup. Behold. A Life- Sized Recreation of Battlestar Galactica!! It took 5+ million blocks! Get even more info on this project here.
Freaking HUGE Sentinel Head from X-Men!
Awesome The Pirates of the Caribbean inspired build called “Pirate Island”
Sanacraft – The golden city
This is incredible. Minecraft – Star Wars – Death Star Run.
Lord Of The Rings Middle Earth Re-Created Inside Minecraft!!
That is a huge sheep! Trojan Sheep!
Man, this is super soothing and relaxing. Come, take a ride with me. Minecart Interstate V3.0 [MineCraft]
SOOO EPIICCCC. Mine = Blown. Minecraft CPU Overview. Programming geeks rejoice.
16-bit ALU in minecraft
Oh its just New York… inside Minecraft!!!
Massive Minecraft Mansion – 7 Montagel Way
That is a huge house. lol. Biggest Minecraft House Ever
Minecraft – Palace of Awesomeness
Minecraft Train Station
Annnd that is amazing. Minecraft Tetris done in stop motion!
Minecraft Super Mario Land in Stop Motion. Thats just ridiculous…ly awesome!! lol
Minecraft Huge Imperial City Update 8 + map download
World of Minecraft – Best of 2010
Minecraft Unleashed: Best Creations Ever [HD Montage]
This is a mod, but still. PORTAL! lol. Minecraft – Portal Gun Mod
Need MOAR Minecraft Creation Ideas & Inspiration?! I think you will find these are relevant to your interests.
40 Outstanding Minecraft Creations
21 Amazing Minecraft Creations
21 More Amazing Minecraft Creations
10 incredible Minecraft creations
This one is a little older, you can definitely see the evolution of Minecraft after looking at this compared to the others!
60+ Epic Minecraft Art
This one is mostly fan art, so not really “in game creations” but still – inspirational and fun art for ideas (or just to geek out on)!
How Do They Make These!? Minecraft Creation Tutorials
Well, here are a few tutorials that might help you get started on your Minecraft architect career :D. Don’t say we never gave you anything! lol.
How To Build A Watchtower – Minecraft Creation Tutorial
Minecraft Lab – How To Build A Minecraft Palace House [Part 1]
Fortified House Tutorial
Minecraft Tutorial: How to build a medieval house
Minecraft Mansion – Tutorial
Minecraft Tutorial – FishingBoat
Minecraft: Building a Cabin
Minecraft Timelapse
Watching other people work on things is another good place to start, and usually helps a lot. So check out these awesome timelapses :D. So Much Detail!! These could also help you in building things in general with technique and perspective, as it really does look so similar to building with legos as a child (or even with real wood or materials!) when you see how these giant things are built of course these are much more sturdier structures than lego could ever build haha. Mostly though, its just fun
so have fun with it!
Minecraft Timelapse – Palace
Minecraft Timelapse – Alpine Castle
Minecraft Speedbuild #2 – Medieval Village
Minecraft Timelapse – Laenadur : City of Mages
This is just amazing. lol.
Minecraft Timelapse – Spleef Arena
Minecraft Timelapse – Floating Island and Village
Moar incredibleness!
Minecraft Timelapse – Dwarven City
Love this one.
Our Journey Ends Here – But Your Legend Will Never Die!
What was your favorite Minecraft creation? Have you ever attempted making such a complex, or massive design in Minecraft? Have any tips on building something awesome? Did we miss any awesome ones (maybe yours?!)? Let us know in the comments below or in the forums (leave a link to your own creations!)! Thanks for Reading!
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I must worship the builder of azeroth
They didnt build it, they designed a program to convert the world, if you download it, all the buildings are cool, but almost everything is disfigured.
I saw Darnassus in a google image search and had to come here to comment… lol The first ones are so awesome!
Who fucking WROTE this article?
A crack-addicted 11 year old?
Fucking seriously, every single picture caption reads like the inner reflections of a coked out squirrel on caffeine tablets.
You wanna write an article? Maybe get someone who knows more words than “fuckin amazing” and “epic!” to do your writing.
Kind of ironic for someone that says ‘fucking’ seriously.