Welcome GEEKS! Behold – InfiniGEEK is here!
Pardon the dust while we clean up and get ready to launch
What Is InfiniGEEK
InfiniGEEK is the brainchild of Creative Web Designer, Geek, & Entrepreneur Andy Sowards (thats me – not sure why I am referring to myself in the 3rd person.). I created this site out of necessity, I crave knowledge, information, and inspiration from lots of different things. At my Design & Development blog I write about all things web & design, Resources, Tutorials, Creative Inspirations (online and off, with print design, architecture, etc.), However I am a really generalist geek, so I love lots and lots (and lots and lots) of different kind of mediums, that are technical, geeky, in many different ways. I more recently had a revelation that a lot of the things that I loved as a kid (science, gaming, technological advancements, the universe, etc.) still really fascinated me – however, more so now than ever!
InfiniGEEK Was Born
So thus, I needed a place to put all of the incredibly geeky (and off topic from the design, development, internet world) findings and things I wanted to share with you guys – share with the world in fact! So everything that I find interesting, I can share it with all of you guys, and we can hopefully help entertain (and enlighten) the world together! Through the forums we can have meaningful conversations about important issues in tech and science, heck, maybe we can even change the world. Who knows. I will be excited to see where this goes over the years as this is going to be a “in it for the long haul” project of mine.
I am really passionate about Design & Development & the web (andysowards.com) and also extremely passionate and curious, and eager to contribute to the growing advancement in the world of Science, Space & Technology (@infinigeek) that is truly making the world a better (and more informed) place for all of us (and all of our kids) to enjoy. I also enjoy (as many of you do) everything that is fun, entertaining, or awesome in a geeky way (like toys, games, movies, etc.)
Thanks For Joining Us On This Journey
I really truly appreciate all the interest, support, and love you guys give – it keeps us going. We love you guys just as much as we love all the geeky stuff we talk about Without you none of this would be possible!
If you have anything you want to share, or want to help us in any way change the world for the better – definitely get in touch!