If you think that developing and designing a mobile app is a difficult task, try promoting and marketing your creation once it’s available in the app stores. App creators find it increasingly hard to rise above the noise and let potential and current users know what makes them special. In some cases, this challenge manages to bring out the most creative and innovative side of app promoters, and we’re here for it! Check out 3 use cases for inspiring app promotions we’ve seen and loves lately.
The right message

The dating app Lumen is meant specifically for users 50 years and older, and so its recent ad campaign featuring the 50+ dance crew The Silver Classix Crew under the title “50 is just the start” was on point. Plus, they’re absolutely right about that message. The campaign sent a strong message using one of the platforms that the target audience is more familiar and comfortable with, thus addressing one of Lumen’s main marketing challenges.
The right timing
Another app that understands and caters to its audience’s interests is 88 Fortunes, a mobile casino app that allows social gamers to win free coins for spinning slot machines in an Asian-themed designed experience. The casino app creators make sure to embrace the Asian theme in its fullest, celebrating specific holidays with the players community. A promotion we’ve seen lately created a challenge for casino gamers around the recent Dragon Boat Festival in China, Duanwu. 88 Fortunes includes a slot machine game focused on this festival, and for the holiday it invited users for a special Boat-nanza race. Users were happy to win more rewards and were more engaged than ever.

The right Content

TikTok is a hugely successful video app that allows users to create short-term videos on any topic in the world. The app recently helped users find inspiration by launching a challenge that invited them to share travel-focused videos using the hashtag #TikTokTravel. The challenge also has its own theme song, includes collaborations with global travel sites, and more. This sort of challenge helps users come up with new ideas for videos and takes the app experience to the next level by combining real-life elements and external collaborations. We like!
The above ideas not only demonstrate creativity at its finest, but also show that you can use simple tricks to engage your audience and make users happy. Got any other ideas? Share them in the comments!