Entertainment, Gaming, Tech

Why Is PC Gaming Better Than Console Gaming?

In the world of gaming, there is no bigger debate than what’s better – PC or console gaming? Everyone has their preferences, so opinions will differ slightly based on what


Entertainment, Gaming, Lifehacks

How To Improve Your Gaming Skills

Gaming is an enjoyable and entertaining way to spend your free time. If you’re into technology and have a competitive edge, then it may be just the activity you need


Entertainment, Gaming, Geek, Tech

Different Ways To Enjoy Gaming This Winter

Playing games is a wonderful way to stimulate the brain and get some form of escapism from the world we live in. In 2020, our world is uncertain and being


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Video Game Genres Every Serious Gamer Needs to Try at least Once

From its creation, video games have created a buzz in the digital world for quite a few decades now. Everything from simple games for small children to video games with


Entertainment, Gaming, Tech

Why Has Mobile Gaming Become So Popular In Recent Years?

Mobile gaming has become increasingly popular over the years, and developments in technology means that today’s experiences are a far cry from the days where people only had Snake to


Entertainment, Gaming, Geek

How Call of Duty Is Changing Your Gaming Experience in 2020

Call of duty is one of the most amazing games of all time. People are playing this game for years and no wonder they love playing this game a lot.


Entertainment, Gaming, Sports, Tech

Behind the Scenes on the Latest Development in PC Hardware for Online Poker

Are you aware of the scenario of online gambling and poker? According to some research, there are a considerable number of people who are shifting to online gambling and casino.


Entertainment, Gaming, Tech

How Classic Gaming Franchises Found a New Home to Find Even More Success

Gaming is a strange case in the entertainment sector. Due to the rate at which the technology is evolving, some classic gaming franchises become restricted to the past. Some developers,