Home improvement and construction industries are booming at an unprecedented rate, largely under the influence of tech novelties. They have changed the way professionals work, and strategies of how homeowners
What’s That? Robots Are Invading The World Of Sport Too? Aaahh!
There’s a quaint notion floating about in the land of the internet that robots are still in a primaeval, infantile state. They’re nothing more than clumsy assemblages of useless old
Green Tech Innovations: Sustainable Living at its best
The surge in sustainable technology is changing the face of the residential landscape. As the new trends unfold, the old ones are sent to the junkyard. Eco-friendly gadgets and architectural
The Pros And Cons of the “Internet of Things”
From the first episode of the Jetson’s to the most recent Star Trek movie, we have always dreamed of smart technology. Even before the internet was created, we wanted household
New Tech Can Measure How High You Are
Around the globe, cannabis is becoming more accepted. Marijuana has become increasingly accepted in society over the past two decades. On the federal level, regulations have been relaxed on marijuana
Quantum Computing, A.I. Website Builders, and the Future of Hacking
If you follow this website, you’ve probably learned some really cool hacking techniques, and kept up to date with some breaking news in hacking and technology. But what will the
The Future of the Gaming Industry
The video game industry has had a long run at this point, and while much has changed, the core of video games revolves around the screen – traditionally a pretty
The Future Of Electronic Devices [INFOGRAPHIC]
Computer technology has advanced dramatically, and things that were never thought possible have become widely used. Now, there are new technologies on the horizon that are likely to revolutionize computers