
Moving To The Cloud Doesn’t Have To Be An Ordeal!

If you’re running a business that isn’t using cloud tech already then you’ve got a lot of catching up to do! These days, pretty much every business not only uses


DIY, Gaming, Tech

10 Benefits That Prove The Desktop PC Isn’t Dead Yet

The tech world has changed dramatically in the past ten years-or-so. There was a time when desktop PC’s were considered the ultimate in home computing. Now, that has all changed.


Gadgets, Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Quantum Computing, A.I. Website Builders, and the Future of Hacking

If you follow this website, you’ve probably learned some really cool hacking techniques, and kept up to date with some breaking news in hacking and technology. But what will the


Geek, Lifehacks, Reviews, Tech

Data Loss In Windows 10 And Free Recovery Software

Technology can be a blessing and a problem at the same time. We are well aware that while using the latest tech devices can be amazing, we have to face


Apps, Gadgets, Geek, Home, Tech

Getting to Know the Newest Personal Assistants

With just a couple words to a dark obelisk in the corner, your lights dim, music starts playing, and a pizza is delivered straight to your door. While all this


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Data Loss and Data Recovery [INFOGRAPHIC]

Aѕ wе аll know external hard drive serves аѕ а portable data storage device, whісh brings muсh convenience tо оur life. It іѕ оbvіоuѕlу а disaster іf оur data lost


DIY, Geek, Tech

How I Recovered Deleted Files from Recycle Bin

Well, my wife and I had a beautiful baby two years ago with big eyes and lovely smiles all the time. He’s the little sunshine in our family, bringing us


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Snapdragon Advances Mobile Processor Industry with Latest Chip

Qualcomm debuted its Snapdragon 820 processor on November 10th via a Twitter chat that included a live Q&A. Up until recently Qualcomm had only released a handful of details about