Apps, Tech

5 Apps That Protect You From Hackers

More and more people are using their mobiles every day. According to Pew Research Center, 77% of Americans now own a smartphone, and the global median of adults who have


Apps, Design

When Design Meets Stability: 5 Things to Consider When Developing Mobile Apps

The growth in mobile app technologies and the use of apps today cannot go unnoticed. App technology is continually evolving and it seems like there is an app for everything


Apps, Design, Lifehacks

How to Add Text to Photos on iPhone

With the wide range of photo editing apps available for iPhone, you can easily take your photos one step beyond. Along with the photo editors and filters, some photo editing


Apps, Business, Geek

How to Have an Interesting Instagram Feed?

Are you looking for some ideas that can help you brighten up your Instagram account? Do you want people to navigate to your profile and find reasons to follow you?


Apps, Business, Tech

Timeclock Software: Helping Businesses Increase Profits While Staying Compliant

The system of employees punching in and out of shifts is outdated. It’s slow, error prone, and makes doing payroll more of a headache than it needs to be. Whether


Apps, Gaming, Geek

Entertain Yourself with These 4 Games for Smartphones

Looking for a new game to get addicted to on your smartphone? There are so many out there, it can be hard to know where to start. Here’s a rundown


Apps, Geek, Lifehacks, Movies, Tech

Anonymous Streaming Is Now Possible With VPN On Kodi

Kodi users, who haven’t yet considered using a VPN, will know the reasons they should, from this blog. If you are a Kodi user or you’re planning to use Kodi,


Apps, Business, Geek, Tech

How to Prevent Social Media from Taking Over Your Career

Today, we are surrounded by technology, and it is hard to resist checking Facebook or LinkedIn every five minutes. However, if you would like to make sure that you stay