The video game industry has had a long run at this point, and while much has changed, the core of video games revolves around the screen – traditionally a pretty
New Pokémon Go Updates Discourage Distracted Driving — But Could They Kill the Game?
If you want to know the reception by the media of Pokémon Go, just take a glance at the headlines: “Pokémon Go player crashes his car into a tree” –
The 5 Best Audio Gadgets for the Serious Music Lover
Ah, music — famous for soothing the savage beast, which is a cliché but is nevertheless true. There are dozens of devices that play music, from smartphones and tablets to
Why Data Matters Now – Business in Real Time
The world moves too quickly to rely on data that was compiled yesterday. The push for real-time date analytics has never been stronger. Whether a company is saving lives through
7 Basic Scientific Report Writing Tips for Students
Every student is supposed to be able to prepare scientific reports if he studies at college and university. This academic assignment is more complicated than an essay. The latter is
Find Your Digital Identity Through Blogging
Ever romanced the idea of Blogging but too overwhelmed (for a myriad of reasons, some well-founded others confounded) to get started because you think you’ll fail even before kick off?
How to Create an App For Free
Every day, mobile phone users spend a substantial amount of their free time in apps. In addition, more and more people use them for business purposes. The number of applications
3 Steps To Create a Successful Online Store
A friend and I had an interesting discussion recently that led us to question the importance of Logos and Branding in general and Online Branding and E-commerce in particular. Is