Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Reviews, Tech

Samsung’s SUHD 4k TV Review

Samsung’s breaking out the big guns this year and it has finally landed in a Best Buy near you – the premium Samsung SUHD line comprises three series with nine


Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Tech

Xbox One and PS4 to Introduce 4k Enabled Models this year

The technology world is extremely trend-focused, and every year a select number of buzzwords dominate various aspects of the market. One of the most prominent examples in 2015 is the


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Best Apps for Fanatical TV Fans

In 2013, the average adult will spend 5 hours and 16 minutes watching digital media, and 4 hours and 31 minutes watching TV, according to eMarketer’s statistics. Since new apps


Art, DIY, Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Movies, Tech

90+ Best Nerf Gun Mods

Updated: 3/23/2022 Since this post has been so popular through the years we felt like you guys deserved some updated nerf guns! Check out the list at the top to