Lifehacks, Tech

Four Ways You Can Excel In Your Current Career And Earn More

When it comes to your career, many of us strive to get to the best level we can get to. With promotions and excelling at our careers, it can often


Gadgets, Tech

How Smart Phones Changed Our World

Technology has long moved the world along, changing the way we interact, do business, and conduct our lives. However, few technological transformations have been as far-reaching or as swift as


Entertainment, Geek, Lifehacks

Life’s a Beach: Activities To Be Had On the Seven Seas

How odd that the world should be called ‘earth,’ when really it should be called ‘ocean.’ Who said that? Whoever it was, they were right. Take a look at a


Art, Design, Geek

How Technology Has Changed Animation

Animation as an entertainment medium has been around for decades, but it’s essentially the same as it always was, even with new technology being produced yearly. Animation is a series


Health, Lifehacks

Make Choices for the Better

Many of us struggle with choices we make in the dark. While not often discussed, the grim or painful things we deal with are a part of our everyday lives.


Health, Lifehacks

What to Do After a Car Accident

We hear a lot about how to avoid car accidents. Stay focused on the road. Don’t get distracted by other passengers in the car, or by the radio, or worst


Health, Lifehacks

Moderation Matters

Pleasure is an important aspect of any life. All work and no play don’t just make Jack a dull boy; they can also make Jack a frustrated, bored boy. Life


Geek, Health, Tech

Knowing Your Limits Online

When it comes to inventions and innovations that have transformed the way we live our lives, it is hard to argue against the emergence of the internet. The scope of