DIY, Lifehacks, Tech

The Essentials For Every DIY Enthusiast

When surveyed about which skills most homeowners wish they’d had, the top five all encompassed some form of DIY ability. From hanging pictures to cleaning gutters, every homeowner should have


Geek, Health, Tech

Self-Care Gadgets to Get You Through Winter

As fall begins to take hold, the weather will soon drop, the days will grow shorter, and you may find yourself feeling a bit restless. Less light and cold temperatures


Geek, Lifehacks, Tech

Goodwill and Groveling: Buying Your Boss a Christmas Gift

Buttering up the boss is a fine art. And with the season of goodwill around the corner, you need to do it just right. Giving your boss gifts at Christmas


Gaming, Geek, Lifehacks

Five Gift Ideas For Big Kids

Some of us never grow up, and still appreciate a gift for big kids. Whether you’re shopping for gamers or gadget-lovers, if you’re shopping for a gift for someone who