Business, Code, Tech

How Structured, Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data is Used Everyday

Whether you realize it or not, your data is being used everyday in some form or another. It could be through feedback surveys, a visit to a website, or even


Engineering, Home, Lifehacks

What You Should Know Before Taking on a Home Renovation

If conducted incorrectly, renovating your home can be one of the most stressful periods of your life. It can also be an incredibly expensive project to take on, so you’ll


Education, Health, Lifehacks

What To Do if Your Baby Suffers a Birth Injury

Birth injuries are a type of injury that is sustained during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. There are many different types of birth injuries, and they can range in severity from


Career, Education, Geek

How Do Investigative Journalists Develop Their Sources?

The best investigative journalists are relentless in their pursuit of the truth. They have an insatiable curiosity and never give up until they find the answers they are looking for.


Development, Education, Tech

Why Do You Need An e-Learning Platform?

Nowadays, online learning has gone to the next level. The opportunities offered by online courses are vast and allow everyone to find what they happen to need. Of course, this


Apps, Education, Tech

What is Mobile Data Leakage and How Can Children be Affected?

In the UK, data regarding our children is held by a number of organisations and mishandling of this data can result in leaks. In this article, we’ll discuss what data


Apps, Code, Tech

Why JavaScript Applications Are Taking Over the World

What Is JavaScript? JavaScript (JS) is a popular programming language that began as a simple mechanism for adding logic and interactive functionality to static Netscape browsers. Since JavaScript’s introduction, it


Code, Development, Tech

What is the difference between Flutter and React Native?

At the beginning of development, the first question that arises for many is which development platform to choose. This article will focus on react native and flutter. Before moving on