Gadgets, Gaming, Tech

Mobile Devices Are Smashing PC Gaming

Be honest, when was the last time you used your computer for PC gaming? Or even your console! If you can’t remember, you are not alone. With the rising popularity


DIY, Geek, Tech

30+ DIY Halloween Pranks

We here at Infinigeek love all things DIY – and with Halloween quickly approaching (This weekend!) we thought we would celebrate one of the most DIY’ed holidays with some great


Art, Geek, Tech

Introducing Adobe’s new UX Design Application

As a general rule, Adobe is the dominant provider of software and design tools to the creative industries. While numerous firms have challenged this dominance, many have either failed (as


Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Tech

Online Gaming Expands Into SmartWatches

Just when we thought that that tech innovations would hit a plateau, the smart watch was introduced to the market. This innovative watch allows users to do virtually all the


DIY, Gadgets, Geek, Reviews, Tech

Home Security Made Easy With Connected Home Arlo by Netgear

This week, the kind folks at Best Buy hooked us up with Arlo by Netgear and Netgear® Nighthawk™ DST Router with DST Adapter to run through the paces, and run


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Google vs. Apple, Who Owns Your Screen Time?

Tech giants Google and Apple have been battling hard for their shares of the consumer electronics marketplace. Apple revealed updates to its product lineup at a much-publicized event in early


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

What Does a 64-Bit Octa-Core Processor Even Do?

When technology companies release new smartphones, their marketing attempts often include buzzwords that normal people do not understand. You’re not alone if an ad leaves you scratching your head, wondering


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Android Updates: The Latest Software & Bug Fixes

With over one billion active users using Android, it’s crucial for developers to stay on top of updates and bug fixes to keep the ecosystem healthy and happy. We’ve rounded