Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Tech

Xbox One and PS4 to Introduce 4k Enabled Models this year

The technology world is extremely trend-focused, and every year a select number of buzzwords dominate various aspects of the market. One of the most prominent examples in 2015 is the


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Average Joe Lowering Performance of Hardware Market

The tech geek used to be so excited that more and more people were using computers. The isolation was fading, and we were even starting to feel a little bit


Gadgets, Tech

The Next Gen Smartphones We’re All Excited About

The race to become the greatest smartphone is never ending. It’s as thrilling as watching a 100m that never stops. But where even the great Usain Bolt would eventually run


Entertainment, History

5 Dumb Criminal Attempts Gone Wrong

No matter how much effort you put into protecting yourself, there is always a thief who thinks he is one step ahead. And in most instances, he’s waiting on you