Education, Health, Lifehacks

What To Do if Your Baby Suffers a Birth Injury

Birth injuries are a type of injury that is sustained during pregnancy, labor, or delivery. There are many different types of birth injuries, and they can range in severity from


Business, Geek, Tech

Five Key Pointers To Note Before Investing in Imaging Technology

Do you consider yourself an x-ray guru? Imaging technology has grown in leaps and bounds in the recent past. As a result, it has diversified its usage in the engineering


Health, Lifehacks

How Easy Is It to Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online?

Medical marijuana has been growing in popularity, and it’s not uncommon for many people to use it to benefit their health or overall quality of life. Cannabis can help in


Health, Lifehacks, Tech

How is Technology Helping People with Disabilities?

Technological developments continue to rapidly make their mark on the modern world. There are few areas of life untouched by the influence of technology, which is quickly spreading into the


Education, Geek, Health, Tech

Protein S Deficiency

Protein S is named for Seattle, Washington, where the protein was first identified and isolated. Protein S is involved in the process of programmed cell death. This is a normal


Business, Tech

How Technology is Safeguarding our Data

Personal data, it’s something we hear a lot about on the news. There always appears to be an article, politician, or television show discussing how they want access to personal


Health, Tech

IoT in Healthcare: How Medical Facilities Can Take Advantage of New Tech

Any business can benefit from the introduction of some elements of the Internet of Things. It can be especially useful now, while it is not a particularly widespread tendency, and



The Ultimate Guide to Your Medical Education

Summer has started, the school year is over, and for school graduates, the tough time of selecting institutions for further studies has come. Where to go to study for obtaining