Animation as an entertainment medium has been around for decades, but it’s essentially the same as it always was, even with new technology being produced yearly. Animation is a series
The Tech Your Employees Really Should Be Using
Every business needs to cut back spending from time to time. These cuts might be a staffing cull, a change in stationery supplier, or a downsize in premises. Some are
The Role of Animation In Marketing Your Business Online
With the increasing popularity of the internet as a platform for marketing, more and more businesses are finding their way onto the internet. There is already a lot of media
The Rise Of The E-Athlete: Why Gaming Is Good For Health
How often has someone said you would get square eyes from staring at a TV screen? What about the one about getting outside and getting more exercise? In modern society,
How To Protect Your WiFi/IP Camera Footage
IP security cameras are a powerful and convenient way to keep your home or business safe, but they also introduce unique risks into your house or place or work. You
How Media Servers Like Coolux and Others Stepped up The Game for Stage Shows
We tend to think of computers and computer servers as things to work on or that handle our email. Of course, computers are used in almost every industry and walk
Trends and Technology That Are Making Remote Work a Reality
Remote work is becoming the new normal for an increasing number of workers and businesses. In fact, the number of companies that operate mostly or entirely using remote workers increased
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Here at InfiniGEEK we are constantly drowning in tech and software, what we strive to do is to bring the best to you whether that be showcasing it in a