Gaming, Geek, Tech

Best Apps for Fanatical TV Fans

In 2013, the average adult will spend 5 hours and 16 minutes watching digital media, and 4 hours and 31 minutes watching TV, according to eMarketer’s statistics. Since new apps


Gadgets, Geek, Movies, Tech

Coolest Features of the James Bond Vehicles

James Bond, one of the most iconic and popular spy characters of all time, used some of the most innovative and revolutionary technologies to assist him in his adventures. Yet


Geek, Movies

Fall & Winter Films: 10 We Can’t Wait For

All things considered, 2013 has been a slow year for the film geeks among us. Sure, there was “Gatsby” to get everyone excited early; “Iron Man 3” and “Man Of


Geek, Movies, Space

Does J.J. Abrams Have What it Takes to Keep the Star Wars Legacy Alive?

Star Wars fans are worried about the next film and that is perfectly natural. You would be worried whenever someone new comes to cut your hair. No? After you have


Art, DIY, Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Movies, Tech

90+ Best Nerf Gun Mods

Updated: 3/23/2022 Since this post has been so popular through the years we felt like you guys deserved some updated nerf guns! Check out the list at the top to