Entertainment, Geek, Tech

Home and Electronics Appliances – Guide to Buy a Right Television Set

A house or a living room seems incomplete without a TV screen. A set of entertainment is an important asset at your home. However, shopping a TV would not be


Entertainment, Music, Tech

Dolby Vs. DTS 5.1 Surround Sound: Which Delivers Better Home Theater Sound?

The Dolby vs. DTS 5.1 surround sound argument is a hotly debated issue that’s been at the forefront of many audiophile discussions. Some people are of the opinion that DTS


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Did Fortnite Start The Battle Royale Craze?

If you haven’t of Battle Royale, then you apparently have been living under a rock the last year or so – and have not played Fortnite! This word, and genre


Entertainment, History, Music

Want to Improve Your Knowledge of Musical History? Here’s How

When you’re really passionate about modern music, you will eventually get the stage where you want to learn more about the history of the art form that you love so


Entertainment, Geek, Movies

The 5 Best James Bond Gadgets to Feature in 007 Films

When it comes to film franchises none come bigger or more long-running than the James Bond catalogue of movies. As such the action spy film series has grown an avid


Art, Design, Geek

How Technology Has Changed Animation

Animation as an entertainment medium has been around for decades, but it’s essentially the same as it always was, even with new technology being produced yearly. Animation is a series


Art, Gaming, Geek

Cosplay Inspiration For Redheaded Women

Cosplay has become one of the most talked-about hobbies in recent years. From Comic-Con to E3, there are many awesome events where you can dress up as either your favorite


Entertainment, Lifehacks, Tech

Making Sense of Streaming Options

Cable companies are running scared. They’re trying to lure those who have cut the cord back into the world of channels like ESPN, TNT, and CNN. But more and more