Business, Lifehacks, Tech

12 Ways to Stay Productive While Remote

Remote work isn’t easy, especially during times like these. Some have always worked remotely, while for others, this is brand new – and may be permanent.  The home office has



How The Pandemic Can Help Improve Your Business

The coronavirus pandemic is wreaking havoc on the world economy. The tourism sector is hit, retail stores are closing, sporting events and major events are being canceled, countries are restricting


Business, Tech

E-commerce beyond 2020: predictions, trends, and recommended practices

Growing at an average annual rate of 25%, e-commerce is one of the most lucrative industries in recent history, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. With the boost


Entertainment, Gaming, Sports

How Bingo Has Completely Transformed in the Last Few Years

Bingo is a game that is popular across generations. It’s been a popular pastime for decades and has had plenty of ups and downs throughout its history. The early 2000s


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

5 Ways To Reduce Business Costs Post COVID-19 In Your Medical Business

Coronavirus has taken its toll on the world in many different ways. From the unfortunate loss of over seven hundred thousand people – with the number still increasing – to


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

Tools and Tips to Equip Your Remote Employees

In years to come, when businesses look back on 2020, one clear trend will stand out: working from home. Prior to the pandemic, remote work was the province of a


Business, Entertainment, Tech

How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Casino Revenues

Despite high profile opposition from individuals like Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has continued to gain prominence in our daily lives. As more and more human activities migrate to the


Entertainment, Gaming, Sports, Tech

Behind the Scenes on the Latest Development in PC Hardware for Online Poker

Are you aware of the scenario of online gambling and poker? According to some research, there are a considerable number of people who are shifting to online gambling and casino.