Gadgets, Geek, Tech

How the Cloud Was Built for Geeks

Okay, so maybe the cloud wasn’t literally built just for us. It was built for everyone to use however works best for them. Still, sometimes it really feels like the


DIY, Gadgets, Geek, Reviews, Tech

Home Security Made Easy With Connected Home Arlo by Netgear

This week, the kind folks at Best Buy hooked us up with Arlo by Netgear and Netgear® Nighthawk™ DST Router with DST Adapter to run through the paces, and run


Geek, History, Tech

Ushering In A Quiet Tech Revolution With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing technology is stirring a quiet revolution for those interested in geeky things. Now that cloud computing is out of its early years of trial and error with early


Gadgets, Geek, History, Reviews, Tech

Best Cloud Storage Hard Drives

The cloud has made data accessible and convenient – anywhere, on the go, for a reasonable price! From simple storage to a complete internet tax prep system, the cloud has


Business, Development, Tech

Is the Cloud Really Secure?

When Jennifer Lawrence was caught in a scandal after photos meant only for her boyfriend were leaked, everyone started questioning the security of the cloud. Between the high profile celebrity


Geek, History, Tech

A Quick History of Cloud Computing

When Al Gore claimed he helped to develop the Internet, he spoke without realizing that the Internet as we knew it had existed in some form for six decades. He’ll