Animation as an entertainment medium has been around for decades, but it’s essentially the same as it always was, even with new technology being produced yearly. Animation is a series
Cosplay Inspiration For Redheaded Women
Cosplay has become one of the most talked-about hobbies in recent years. From Comic-Con to E3, there are many awesome events where you can dress up as either your favorite
3 Great Shows For New Anime Fans
Anime used to be a niche genre that a lot of people didn’t like. It got a bit of a bad name and people generally thought it was a bit
How to Write a Screenplay That Sells
If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a screenplay, you’ll know that a lot of work goes into it. A lot of people can’t name the writers of their favorite movies
Designing The Ultimate Gaming Room
If you are an avid gamer, there is a good chance that you are not the sort of person who spends time watching home makeover shows on TV or ambling
State-of-the-Art Office Furnishings
It’s obviously important that your office be up-to-date with its technology and everything associated with the service and function of the office. You can’t do your work without functional and
When Sci-Fi Got It Right: 3 Films That Predicted Today’s Technology
Science fiction writers have often tried to imagine what the future will look like. Take, for example, Jules Verne, who predicted the moon landing in his 1865 novel, ‘From the
Why Have A Home When You Can Have A Geek Haven
There isn’t a geek on the planet that is happy having old generation gizmos, gadgets and whatever else falls into the column of Awesome Entertainment Thingys. We want… no… We