Business, Geek, Tech

Could Fog Computing Wash Out The Cloud?

You finally got the hang of cloud computing just in time for the next big thing to roll in. Fog computing is the latest and greatest buzzword in the tech


Gadgets, Tech

Take A Boredom Break: Top Technologies To Keep You Entertained

If you want to avoid boredom this year and keep yourself entertained, you’ll want to check out this article. We’ve found some of the coolest gadgets and technologies that will


Gadgets, Tech

When Will VR Have Its Pokemon Go Moment?

Last year the world was introduced to augmented reality. The introduction didn’t come from somewhere expected – like a Microsoft Hololens event. Instead, it came from a game that has


Business, Tech

All Aboard The Tech Train!

How do you optimize business in this age of technology? It is proving to be harder to find methods to keep yourself afloat when so many other companies in the