Gadgets, Tech

IUI Offers Top-Notch Development for Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

The smartphone app is by far the most astonishing consumer-based software breakthrough of recent times. The notion that people can directly download useful databases, games, and tools directly onto their


Gadgets, Gaming, Geek, Tech

Best Tablets For Online Gaming

These days it is no surprise that mobile phones have been used to enjoy online gaming. These devices make it possible to enjoy games anywhere at any time. They also


Gaming, Geek, History, Tech

A Look Back at Gaming Throughout the Years

This year’s NeuroGaming Conference and Expo unveiled a future where video gamers use innovations such as wireless eyewear to immerse themselves in a virtual world. Instead of watching pro basketball


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Safari vs Chrome – Who Will Be The Mobile Browser King in 5 Years

Safari Still Winning the Mobile Browser War

Despite Chrome’s strides to dethrone Safari and become the new king of the hill, Safari’s still the king. For now. With the slew of fascinating functionalities that surpass user expectations


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Sports Fans Love Tablets

When it comes to sports fans and technology, it appears to be a match made in heaven. In a new report by Nielsen, which looked at a broad range of


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

With Samsung Galaxy S4 Sales Stagnating, Can HTC One Do Better?

The Galaxy S4 has already sold over 25 million units and is on its way to become one of the bestselling devices of the year. However, things are not all


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Would Switching To Android Be Better Choice For Nokia?

It’s been a tough few years for Finnish manufacturer Nokia. The rise of iOS and Android has dented Nokia’s market share to such an extent that it no longer is


Geek, History, Tech

Big Brother Can’t Read These Old-School Paperbacks

Secret surveillance. Conspiracy. Traitor. Hero. These words have been thrown about in the news recently with the focus on Edward Snowden, former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden