Business, Tech

How To Start Selling Online

For those already involved in business, it’s easy enough to know how to start selling products online. For an established business, it’s about expanding on what they already do in


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

Focus on Eye Health – Simple Ways to Preserve your Vision in 2021

The start of a new year is upon us and we’ve never been more focused on our health. From face masks and hand sanitiser to daily walks and exercise, getting


Apps, Geek, Reviews, Tech

Review: Bitdefender Total Security Software – An Anti-Virus Solution for 2021

If you are like me (a geek for life) then you probably remember growing up in the 90’s with computers. Anytime we got a new computer it always had the


Gadgets, Geek, Lifehacks

Essentials to Keep in Mind When Shopping for Headphones

Headphones are a multifunctional addition to our lives, and most of us will own headphones of some description. There are a lot of excellent reasons why you need to use


Gadgets, Gaming, Lifehacks, Tech

Slashing the Cost of Your New Gaming Laptop

People these days have a range of preferences when it comes to home entertainment. Some love to settle down and stream movies to watch while others love to listen to


Business, Lifehacks, Tech

5 Ways to Avoid Distractions Working from Home

Working from home has been said to actually increase productivity, but if you’re one of those people that finds there are actually more distractions there are a few things you


Business, Tech

3 Tips for Growing a Successful Startup

Did you know? Nearly 90% of startups fail. That means, for every 10 startups invented, only 1 single business succeeds. It’s a staggering statistic. But for many, the risk is


Business, Tech

5 Effective Principles To Add Value To Your Products

In business, the end goal is always the same – sell more products and services. A steady stream of customers means that your revenues will be healthy, and the company