Business, Tech

Why Companies Should Invest More Into Social Media Analytics

Social media has become an essential marketing and communication tool for businesses across the world. According to Statista, 91% of businesses use social media for marketing purposes as of 2019. Social


Apps, Lifehacks, Tech

Essentials to Consider When it Comes to Getting the Most from Your Smartphone

You have many important relationships in your life, but the relationship you have with your smartphone is one of the most important. There are a lot of ideas you have


DIY, Geek, Home

Home Maintenance to do Right Now

It doesn’t matter if you own or just rent your home; there are things you will need to be done each and every year.  Harsh winters, along with hot summers,


Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Everything to Consider When You’re Looking to Get a New Phone

Our phones play a key role in our lives these days, and this is why it is so important for us to be able to get the very best phone


Business, Lifehacks

How to Run Successful Business Profile on Instagram

If you are a business owner, chances are you want to boost your Instagram game.  In recent years, Instagram has become a marketing playground for all kinds of businesses, opening


Business, Health

How To Maintain A Safe Work Environment

Now more than ever, it’s important for organizations to maintain a safe work environment and make this a top priority. As we try to reduce the number of coronavirus cases,


Code, Development, Geek

Gadgets Every Developer Needs for Speed

Technology has been so advantageous over the years as a gift that truly keeps giving! As a developer, you always need to be efficient and productive when meeting client demands


Health, Lifehacks

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Take the Stress Out of Moving

Moving to a new home is exciting, but it can also come with too much stress to handle. No matter how many times you go through your home to make