Business, Tech

3 Keys to Choosing Log Monitoring Tools

Take note of this number: 191. That’s the number of days it takes for a company to fully realize a data breach in its systems. I know what you’re thinking:


Education, Tech

How Tech Helps You Study

Going to college is an increasingly popular move, perhaps because some higher education is all but required for anyone who wants to follow a professional-track career. Numbers released in 2017


Gaming, Geek, Tech

How Broadband Has Changed Gaming Forever

There’s no arguing the fact that home broadband has changed our lives forever. Growing internet speeds allow us to seamlessly connect with friends, order our weekly shopping and stream our


Code, Design, Geek

Python Developers for Remote Teams: NCube’s Expertise

Python is a primary choice for implementing web frameworks and applications, data science projects, prototyping, and graphic design applications. Our Python developers for remote teams use this language to build


Business, Tech

The Perils of the Software Tools’ Wild Wild West

It used to be the case that you could predict, based on what industry a company was in, what the software suite was that they used. For example, if you


Apps, Geek, Lifehacks

3 Ways to Monitor Your Kids Cell Phone

In 2019 there are many reasons why parents should monitor their child’s cell phone use. If you have recently given your child a cell phone, you need to be mindful


Apps, Lifehacks

Pros and Cons of Budgeting Apps

Everyone raves about financial apps in place of offline budgeting strategies, but do these tools really help us budget better? Do online budget apps cause us to lead more disciplined


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Don’t Limit Yourself To The Most Popular Games

Popularity doesn’t always denote quality, but in the case of video games, this is a harder consideration to argue. For example, some might not like Fortnite, but it’s a mechanically