Engineering, Health, Tech

A Compact Guide To Fluid Transfer Technology

Numerous fluids always need to be moved from one place to another. In most establishments, the most commonly transferred fluids include those in liquid or gaseous form, and sometimes, both.


Entertainment, History, Tech

The History of Slot Machines

It seems like slot machines have always been a part of our lives, setting up home in bars, restaurants, casinos and even in airports. There are over 900,000 slot machines


Engineering, Geek, Tech

A Guide to Metal Fabrication: Understanding Press Brake Technology

Metal fabrication is a process which involves a number of different pieces of equipment, of which press brakes are one of the most widely used options. Of course unless you


Engineering, Geek, Science, Tech

The Crazy Science Of Stopping Distances

When you step into a vehicle, do you feel safe? Well, you should. Compared to fifty years ago, stopping distances have come down tremendously. And they continue to fall because