Gaming, Geek, Tech

Did Fortnite Start The Battle Royale Craze?

If you haven’t of Battle Royale, then you apparently have been living under a rock the last year or so – and have not played Fortnite! This word, and genre


Business, Gaming, Geek

How eSports is Moving from Gaming to a Business

So, you think eSports is simply a bunch of geeks sitting in their bedrooms playing video games? Think again. These people are professional gamers who train hard and, deservedly, get


Gaming, Geek

Different Online Game Types to Try

Even if you are a big gamer, sometimes you get sick of playing the same type again and again. Obviously, the internet has opened up a whole range of choice,


Gaming, Geek, Tech

9 Best Multiplayer PC Games You Can Play Right Now

If you want to enjoy some great PC games (note: you can sell video games online), multiplayer titles are a good place to start. The nature of PC as a


Gaming, Tech

Fix Lag To Improve Your Online Gaming Experience

Though it is far less of an issue when compared to a few years ago; Lag remains a problem for gamers around the globe and the sticky, clippy, juddering experience