Gaming, Geek, Tech

Don’t Limit Yourself To The Most Popular Games

Popularity doesn’t always denote quality, but in the case of video games, this is a harder consideration to argue. For example, some might not like Fortnite, but it’s a mechanically


Art, Entertainment, Geek, Movies

Fanatical Fandom: Adopting Anime

Some people mistakenly liken the childish cartoons of yesteryear to modern Japanese anime, but the comparison couldn’t be more misleading. Whereas traditional cartoons are typically geared toward kids, anime is


Geek, Lifehacks

6 Things To Do & See For Geeks In Canada

Celebrate your geekiness when visiting some of Canada’s most fascinating cities with these recommendations of the places to see and the things to do. Science World (Vancouver) “Science World at


Art, Entertainment, Geek, Movies

3 Great Shows For New Anime Fans

Anime used to be a niche genre that a lot of people didn’t like. It got a bit of a bad name and people generally thought it was a bit