
Selfie-Obsessed: Tech To Upgrade Your Duck Face!

We all take selfies now. It even seems that whatever the opportunity, we’ll selfie up! And while the selfie stick seems to be an extension of our arms now, there are some quirky gadgets to give our selfies an unexpected twist. What more do we want out of our selfies? Is there more to just taking a picture of our duck face? Here are some gadgets and accessories starting to rear their heads.


What do you get when you cross a selfie with a drone? While the punchline barely requires thinking about, the drone selfie is making its mark on the social media world. It has been a craze that has taken the tourism industry by storm. Tourists can hire a drone to take a snap before flying off to capture the area around you, which is great when you need something new to share online instead of shots in a nightclub. The footage is then sent to you via text or email, and you’ve got the most adventurous selfie ever! Take the footage home, and if you’re a whiz with editing, you can mix it up with some pre-filmed and pre-bought drone video footage to make a vacation video that is much more engaging than the family vids of the interiors of hotel rooms!

Selfie Shine

Apps for You Selfie Takers

What is the one thing missing from all the standard selfies? Good lighting! Using lighting to your advantage is the key to a great photo, and the LuMee is one way to make sure you’re lit properly at all times. It is a smartphone case with LED lights, and it can hold full brightness for up to two hours. Although it looks like a tiny dressing room mirror if you are constantly having the urge for a selfie, use this to your advantage! As well as selfies, it will add some light to your FaceTime or chats on Skype, and obviously, it’s a mirror, so you can apply some more makeup if you need to prior to your selfie!

Lens Cameras

10 Tips For Taking The Perfect Selfie

Sony has been selling the attachable lens cameras for a few years now, which is a cheaper option than buying a fully-functioning SLR, can you text off an SLR? Of course not. You can attach the lens to your smartphone to get fantastic shots far away, or you can hold them at arm’s length for a clear, crisp selfie.  The other great thing about the attachable lenses is you don’t need to have employ any fancy finger work, just snap away!

The Selfie Brush

Brush Up on Your Selfies With This Selfie Brush

If you didn’t need any more ways to make sure you are looking prim and proper for your selfie, here comes the selfie brush! What can be said about the selfie brush? Well, it’s a brush that you can slot your smartphone in, and so you can brush your hair before taking that selfie. You’ll never have bad hair in your selfies ever again, even if you don’t see the point in this, it’s a space saver in your makeup bag!

And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, our in depth coverage on the best selfies to ever happen: DuckFace Edition.

Best Selfie Duck Faces Ever.

50 Specquackular Duckfaces

The 8 Kinds of Selfie Faces Every Girl Makes On Instagram

The 15 Types of Selfies

31 Tips For Achieving The Perfect Duckface

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