
How to Avoid Getting Banned On Your Favorite Social Media Sites?

Getting banned from favorite social media sites is a painful experience for most people. When it comes to individuals, they will have to start everything from the scratches and connect with their friends. The banning also creates some level of disconnection with the platform in individuals. However, personal accounts can be recreated without much extensive effort.

But, when it comes to social media marketing pages, the banning can lead people to permanent loss of their efforts. If you are a marketer, all your efforts can be damaged by a single misstep. Depends on your business type and the dependency of social media platforms, some bans may significantly affect your business.  To avoid falling victim to such situation, you can take some steps to make your social media pages active and live as long as you campaign.

Keep an Eye on the Terms of Service

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Each social media channel has its own terms of services. As long as you are using the services offered by the platform, you are bound to comply those terms of service. However, many people do not fully understand or ignore it by taking things lightly. If you haven’t fully understood the terms of service, you should go through it.

Contrary to a personal account, you would need to use your social media accounts extensively for marketing campaigns. It also leads to instances of breaking the terms of service at the end. Therefore, you should always be updated with the terms of service of the platform. You can look for the privacy policy of the platform as well.

Follow the Advertising Guidelines of the Platform

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Most of the social media platforms have strict advertising guidelines. Especially when you work for campaigns, you have high chances of falling short of those guidelines. For instance, all the major social media platforms recently declared or in the process of blocking cryptocurrency ads.

Apart from abusive or adult contents, you should be careful of ads or information related to illegal services, tobacco products, discriminatory practices, and more. You can expect some common rules for all the social media platforms and some specific guidelines for particular platforms. The continuous breaching of the guidelines generally ends up with permanent deactivation of the accounts.

Not Being Naughty on Social Media

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Many social media platforms consider bullying and prank as serious offenses on the online world. They usually ban such accounts if people are found to be seriously breaking the limits. The level of banning rate and strictness is different according to various sites. Since most of the social media platforms allow the users to report accounts that are bullying or prank, you should be careful about it.

While many platforms look for the reasons for reporting, some social media sites pay less attention to such analysis and block people directly. For instance, many people banned from Omegle, an online chat platform, as people report the pages. It doesn’t make much digging and ban the pages based on the words of the person who reported. Therefore, everyone who uses different social media platforms should be careful about their language and tone.

Be Careful with Your Contests and Promotions

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Marketers often fail to understand the policies of various social media platforms when it comes to contests and promotions. Though these are part of advertising guidelines of the platform, it needs more attention as people often fail to understand the importance of it. For instance, Facebook does not allow contests on personal timelines, and you can run it on apps or pages.

Additionally, the social media giant does not permit any “like-gating” contests, where people are forced to like certain business pages. When it comes to Twitter and Snapchat, contests that are spammy get a red flag on the respective platforms. Therefore, your contests and promotions in each site should be compliant with the rules of those social media platforms.


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Due to the recent scandals associated with Facebook and personal information stealing, the social media sites are highly alert on anything that is demanding or stealing such information. Therefore, the marketers should stick to campaigns that use legit strategies and valid data collection. Remember, social media is increasingly scrutinized these days, and campaigns will get increased monitoring.

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