
The Best Smart Home Devices of 2021

Smart homes are taking the world by storm and for a good reason. These devices allow for levels of control and optimisation we have never seen before, and it’s exciting for so many reasons. Connecting devices to your smart home system can allow you to control various elements and objects of your home with the simple press of a button – right on your smartphone that lives in your pocket. Here are some of the best smart home devices to invest in.

Smart Security

We Love Home Security Tech And So Should You

Installing home security systems is a top priority for any new homeowner – protecting your valuables and your loved ones is step number one! Taking it up a level and getting a smart security system can be a complete game changer in the safety department. These systems allow for automated control over your alarms, locks on your doors and windows, security cameras and more, giving you 24 hour access and control over what’s happening in your home – even when you’re not there.

Smart Speaker

Tech to Make Your Life Easier

Smart speakers like the Amazon Echo not only look sleek and stylish in your home but can also function as a hub for your smart home system, implying that you can use voice control to manage your household. Call out for Alexa to turn devices on and off, change temperatures, turn out the lights, play your music or add items to your shopping list. It’s almost like you’ll never have to lift a finger again. 

Smart Lighting

How Important is Lighting at Your Working Desk?

Swapping over to smart lightbulbs is not only fun but energy-efficient too. Smart lighting can be set to turn on and off at specific times, alter the brightness and some can even change colours to set the ambience in your rooms – what a party. 

Smart Heating

6 Best Emerging Tech Gadgets To Look Out For

Much light the lightbulbs, smart thermostats can be set to change up the temperatures in your homes at certain times. More than that, these systems can monitor the temperature in your home and adjust itself accordingly without you even having to think about it. These devices can keep you as warm or cool as you need to be without a thought.

Smart Oven

Amazon is leading the game with it comes to smart devices, because the Amazon Smart Oven is an all-in-one cooking experience. This device functions as a convection oven, microwave, air-fryer and food warmer all in one with cooking pre-sets to have your meals ready without any of the fuss and probably in half the time. 

Smart Refrigerator 

Hold The Laughter: Why The Smart Fridge Is A Great Idea

You might not think that you need a smart fridge, but trust us, you do. These devices are designed to make your food storage more efficient and save you money in the long run by monitoring what’s in your fridge (you can even view it while you’re in the store), keeping track of expiry dates and notifying you when you’re running low or something is about to go bad. In this way, you can save time and energy and overall it’s just a pretty cool device to have. 

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