
Making Sure Your Business Is In The Cloud In A Safe Manner

As more and more businesses move into the Cloud, the options on offer vary dramatically. Every company provides different characteristics for what their Cloud offers, and choosing the right supplier is an imperative decision, which requires a lot of careful consideration. There is a lot more to take into account than whether to go for a Hybrid, Private or Public Cloud. You need to make sure the provider is trusted and that the parameters of their Cloud are the right fit for your business. 

Use Trusted Cloud Providers

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Firstly, you need to ensure your provider has a portfolio that is flexible enough to handle the workload you have today and in the future. Does your workload involve data that is regulated by the government or industry, or is proprietary? Are your computer resource needs unpredictable? You need a Cloud provider who has a portfolio to handle the nature of workload now and in years to come. You’ll need to assess what services they offer as well, from online customer relationship management (CRM), to online accounting, to data storage, to cloud hosting, the options vary. 

Ensuring the supplier is trusted is one of the most critical steps when employing someone for a cloud hosting service. It is always a good idea to do your research. You should take a look at their level of experience in the industry and read reviews that have been left by previous customers. If a provider has a negative reputation, this is something you should be able to pick up on with ease, and you will know to look elsewhere. You should also assess the security measures that are in place. Going beyond firewalls and the physical security of the facility is imperative, as the Cloud security architecture needs to be sophisticated and provide optimum protection. Reading the fine print and service level agreements (SLAs) is another important step; you need to make sure they are right for your business.

Is Your Cloud Secure?

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When evaluating the worth of the provider you should also take a look at their Cloud strategy. Is it a carefully built strategy that lays the foundation for future services? Or, like a lot of providers, has it been launched in haste to simply latch on to the momentum? Cloud is a model that is evolving every day, which is why it is so important to opt for a company that has a clear vision for the future. The pricing structure is crucial as well, with a lot of businesses are going for Cloud providers who offer a pay for what you use service, as this ensures cost efficiency. Finally, what customer support services does the provider offer? The best companies supply 24/7 technical support, as businesses cannot afford to be offline nowadays, so if you have a problem you will want it rectified as quickly as possible. 

All in all, hopefully you now have a better understanding of the different factors you should be looking out for when determining if you have a trusted Cloud supplier. The importance of this should not be underestimated, as it is a decision that could make or break your business. 

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