
Fitness-Focused Tech to Help You Reach Your Goals

Are you tracking your workouts, diet and nutrition intake? If you’re not, you might be hurting your progress. Use these techy fitness-focused apps and devices to keep your workouts on track.


Fitbit Charge 2 Heart Rate Fitness Tracker

Great for: Avid or beginner runners, cyclists and walkers who want to track their activity.

This sleek wearable has taken off in popularity over the last few years because of its data-tracking features. Not only does FitBit track your steps, the wearable fitness device also keeps track of your heart rate during workouts and allows you to track data related to your health all while competing with others in your social circles who wear the device. To make progress, you’ve got to be tracking. FitBit takes the guesswork out, making it simple for users to decode. With eight devices on the market today, athletes and fitness newbies alike can find a FitBit that suits their style and fitness needs. Data tracking is crucial when it comes to reaching goals.

24 Hour Fitness App

Great for: People who like to take fitness classes, veteran gym goers and gym newbies.

Smartphone apps are now an everyday part of our lives because they make things easier. This is the case for the fitness-focused app from 24 Hour Fitness called My24. Accessible via smartphone, tablet or iPad, My24 allows its users to gain easy-access to club and fitness information on the go, including group exercise classes like Zumba and more. Having access to this sort of information makes it easier than ever to schedule workouts and find club locations to help you reach your goals.

Withings Smart Body Analyzer

Withings WS-50 Smart Body Analyzer

Great for: Anyone looking to lose weight and track progress.

When you step on the scale there’s not a lot there. Just a few numbers that don’t provide much insight into your weight. Withings Body has changed that. With the Withings Smart Body Analyzer you can take a closer look into your weight. The smart scale provides insights into body mass, including full body composition from muscle and fat to water and bone mass. The scale also provides the data from your previous eight weigh-ins so that you can see the progress you make along the way. Additionally, data from Withings’ smart scale can be accessed via the Health Mate app. According to data reported by the company, people who set a goal, track nutrition and regularly step on the scale lose an average of four-times more weight than their peers who do not do these things.


Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal – you can even scan your food package barcodes

Great for: The everyday dieter to the serious calorie counter.

The MyFitnessPal app is a free calorie counter plus diet and exercise journal — all accessible via your smartphone. While tracking your exercise and activity is essential to achieving your fitness goals, tracking your diet and what you eat is equally as important. With more than 5 million foods to choose from, the app provides the largest calorie and nutrient database to date. Users simply enter in the foods that they eat during each meal and throughout the day and the app keeps track of it all, providing nutritional information about each food as well. Enter in a weight goal and the app does the rest, outlining how many calories you should be consuming to achieve your weight loss goal.

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