
Common Pipe Materials that can be Assessed with Leak Detection Scans

A lot of time, money, and effort goes into maintaining aging infrastructure. Keeping buildings and roads in working order is one thing; maintaining and conducting preventative maintenance on underground systems is something else entirely. Fortunately, leak detection scans can play a vital, cost effective role in maintenance activities, allowing you to spot leaks quickly, effectively, and with minimal invasiveness. Given that different sections of pipe may be older than others and/or made from different materials, it’s worthwhile to know which materials can be assessed by such scans.

Get to know the list of pipe materials that can be assessed with leak detection scans, as well as what to look for in leak detection service providers.

Let’s start by identifying the commonly used pipe materials that are eligible for assessment.

There are numerous industry standards and guiding principles that govern the construction water pipeline systems. These standards help to make sure the system operates as expected once construction is complete. When it comes to materials, there are no absolutes. The type of material used can be justified by the application, project budget, and other considerations.

Here’s the list of common pipe materials that can be assessed by pipeline leak detection technology:

Regardless of the material used, even a pin sized hole in one section of your underground pipeline system can mean big trouble. It also usually results in bigger water and repair bills down the line. For this reason, it’s important to be able to detect a leak and deal with it as quickly as possible.

Things to Consider

Before getting a water leak detection company on the phone, there are some things you should keep in mind. Here are a few notable things to consider to make an informed decision:

This article is a mini-resource to help you identify the common pipe materials that you’ll likely work with, and the best practices for selecting a vendor for any leaks you may be dealing with.

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