
Looking To Sharpen Your Mind? Do It In Just A Few Taps Of An iPhone

Our smart phones are truly marvellous these days. You can communicate in dozens of different ways but also use it to help many different parts of your life.

Today we bank, shop, and play via our iPhones but did you know you can also improve your cognitive skills quite significantly.

There are dozens of amazing apps and features that can help your brain and they’re well worth enjoying, whether it be before work, before you go to bed or just about any time you get a free 10 minutes or so.

Below you’ll find some of the more interesting ways to train your brain via smartphone…

Online Casino

Best iOS Casino and Dice Games

Mobile casino has become incredibly popular over the last few years and has turned into a billion-dollar industry. 

For players, there are a number of games in which can really stretch your brain, making you think strategically and test your reactions. The likes of poker and blackjack are particularly good for this, and today you’ll find plenty of sites to choose from.

The likes of Dunder casino are really good for this as they have a large range of games and varieties to suit all abilities and all preferences. 

You can find comprehensive casino reviews on sites like BetterPlay and the casino itself can be accessed via your mobile browser.

Brain Trainers

You can actually now also find many apps dedicated entirely to training your brain. And while you won’t be able to win a jackpot like poker or blackjack, they are great tools.

Peak is probably the best available on the market currently and offers a series of small, quick-to-play games and activities that are designed to stimulate your brain.

With Peak, games test memory, mental agility and language with over 30 in total and all at a cost of just £3.99 per month. 

There are plenty of good reviews for Peak and one that continues to be downloaded by users at apace.


Best brain training apps for 2018: Top picks to keep your mind fighting fit

Puzzles are some of the most common games found in the App Store and are often cited as the best for your brain to play

Lumosity is an app that offers puzzles that are designed specifically to train your brain, while 1010! is one that is a favourite of millions. It’s a Tetris style game that makes you fit shapes into a 10×10 square grid, with the aim of forming lines to create more space, just as you would with Tetris.

It makes you think logically and has been proven to increase brain skills. 


The 8 Best Sudoku Offline Games of 2019

Sudoku has long been a popular game for those looking to test those brain muscles and while many of us are perhaps more used to playing it in newspapers or puzzle books, there are hundreds of apps too.

Among the best sudoku apps is Genina which allows you to play both online and offline and has different difficulty levels in which you can work your way up from. It’s also free and auto saves so you can always pick up from where you left off. 

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